Yet now it occurs to me that I have been somewhat remiss in my efforts to convey the complete La Historia de la Musica Rock experience to my readers. While, to be sure, Jr. gets Autofilled often with the same frothy mixture of feedback, backbeats and tra-la-las as is featured regularly on this page, I've also loaded into my iTunes mothership a variety pack of spoken word stuff. Just to, you know, mix things up a bit.
It started with movie dialogue, Quint's USS Indianapolis speech from Jaws, or Carl Spackler's "Cinderella boy" monologue from Caddyshack, and the like, scraps of Willard from Apocalypse Now and little Alex from A Clockwork Orange. Then I added pieces and bits of old John Peel shows, whatever Henry Rollins I could stand, and, because I'm something of a baseball fan, a representative sampling of baseball's oral history. . . .
Like the audio document presented for you now.
Tommy Lasorda is of course best known as the legendary ex-manager for the Los Angeles Dodgers, but given his florid reputation, and of course the extremely persuasive evidence I deliver unto you here, he might also very well be The Most Profane Man Who's Ever Lived.
What's great about the clip is how Lasorda begins so mildly, how he at first seems to be resisting his natural urge to express himself obscenely, allowing simply that his accusers have done "a very bad thing." But before long Tommy has succumbed to his Inner Blasphemer and is letting the F-bombs fly with relish and gusto.
Just to set the thing up, on June 30, 1982, in the ninth inning of a game against the San Diego Padres, a pitcher for Lasorda's Dodgers, one Tom Niedenfuer, hit Padre outfielder Joe Lefebvre with a pitched ball. Coming as it did immediately after the Pads' leadoff man homered off Niedenfuer, San Diego's manager Dick Williams was of the opinion, when asked about it after the game, that the hit-by-pitch was "chickenshit" "retaliation."
And later, after Niedenfuer was fined 500 bucks for doing the deed, Padre utility player Kurt Bevacqua said, "They ought to fine that fat little Italian, too. He ordered it."
Shortly after that, a reporter made the mistake of asking Lasorda what he thought of Bevacqua's comments, and you get what we have here.
I sure as fuck hope you enjoy it as much as I fucking have.
Lasorda on Dick Williams and Kurt Bevacqua.mp3
192 kbps mp3, up for six weeks (or more)
File under: Spoken Fuckin' Word
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