Whether I stick with it strictly, or at all, who knows? But for now, Tad was talking about pop in the early '80's and new wave and a certain album from The Headboys. So I chimed in with a 'hasn't anybody heard of closing the goddamned door' . . .
I had that Headboys 45! "The Shape of Things to Come." Brilliant fucking record. They played it once or twice on the briefly new-wave radio station here, and then I seized upon it one day when going through one of my old man's grocery bags. Wasn't a great copy, let's say it crackled as it spun. But I loved that chorus, Oh-oh-oh-Oh-oh, The-Shape-of-Things-to-Come.
My favorite Cars song was always "Since You're Gone," with that outrageous, amorphous, infinite delay guitar solo, and I always remember how . . . spastic . . . Elliott Easton looked playing it on the couch in that video with the disappearing eggs.
But my second favorite Cars track isn't a Cars song at all. "Wearing Down Like A Wheel," from Easton's solo album Change No Change may have the best solo from a man who seemed to painstakingly craft them.
Hated that fucking 'Til Tuesday song, really, REALLY hated it.
Fuckin' hated it.
Loved me some Clash first album, though, and think my favorite London punk might be its twisted reggae: White Man in Hammersmith Palais and Sub-Mission best EVAR.
Still remember the choice I made one day at the Spec's or the Peaches or whatever mass market retailer it was: INXS Shabooh Shabbah or Sex Pistols Never Mind the Bollocks.
Guess which one I picked?
Click anywhere in the blockquote to be taken to Tad's post.
R: Well, Ghod bless ya. Sorry you're sick, but I appreciate the free publicity....
I assume from your musical tastes & what I know about you that U Nded up grabbing the Pistols' album. But of course I wouldn't blame U if U went 4 INXS....
There was probly more New Wave stuff we played a lot of back in my record store daze, but I haven't thot of any more since that post, & I'm sure as hell not gonna add The Knack 2 the list, ughhh.....
BTW, whatever happened 2 that Rock Critic's 10 Commandments thing U were doing awhile back? Loved the 1st part, especially "300 words great, 800 words fucking horrible" -- EVERYBODY breaks that 1....
Yeah, it was the Pistols, Tad. This isn't to put down INXS, not too much anyway. "The One Thing" from Shabooh Shabbah is awesome, and "Good + Bad Times" from Listen Like Thieves is as good.
But I was standing there in the record store, under a little bit of pressure from my buds to figure things out and let's go, unable to decide, and then I was like, who am I kidding here?
Pistols were just a tad more iconic, don't you think? And therefore a safer and more solid addition to my collection, is what I thought then and still think now.
Anyway, I'm still sick after a week, can you believe it? It's like Ubervirus or something, won't let go of me or my lungs.
I'll try to post tomorrow, maybe ELP, it's all I've been listening to, but we'll see . . . .
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